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Kiri Adventures was born…

… out of a simple question: “What can tourists and travelers do in Shkodër, Albania?”. Before we got started, the answer was, not much.

This is the story of how we changed that.Traveling in Albania is a magical 38495653 2178601325749532 883497918365958144 n experience, but even for the most adventurous of travelers, it can be difficult to navigate and find ways to connect with Albanians.

Shkodër (also Shkodra) is a historic city in Northern Albania.49711529 2288134644796199 1485633388164415488 n It is riddled with fascinating cultural history that ranges from ancient Illyrian caves and towns, medieval castles and bridges, to the modern remnants of a communist dictator’s tyrannical rule on the country for over 40 years.

We hope that through our many activities we can help you learn more about this unique country and its people! Check out our activities page to see what you can get up to while enjoying your time with us.

Journey through Albania


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